Bow House

Bow House
In July of 2015 the City of San Francisco published design guidelines for the legal design and construction of accessory dwelling units (ADU’s). In-law units that had been illegal were now suddenly being considered part of the solution to help solve the cities housing crisis. The owner of an illegal in-law unit used the change in legal status as the impetus to upgrade and remodel a guest cottage. The interior walls of the cottage were removed and the façade completely replaced to suit the new design. A core of service functions was organized along the back wall of the cottage opening up the floor plan to become one large space that could be subdivided as needed. The space has a gently sloped shed roof that is taller at the front and shorter at the back nearest the core functions. The front façade features an inverted bay window that creates a front porch with a covered entry. The façade is made up of glass or white painted panels. Vertical multicolored cables add rhythm and shadow play to the bow shaped façade.